2021 Home Office Trends

Nowadays, most individuals have made the shift from working in an office building to working from home due to the pandemic. This recent change in the work environment has made it more of a challenge to separate work from home, calling for a fully functional home office space that generates high productivity and low distractions. With studies showing that 78% of CEOs feel remote working is something that should be continued well past the pandemic with all the various benefits working from home provides, it’s important for at-home workers to have a home office that meets their needs to continue work productivity in a different environment. As the New Year is just around the corner, let’s take a look at the top home office trends 2021 list to consider when crafting your ideal home workspace:

Dashing Home Office Designs

Whether you are creating an entirely new home office space or want to upgrade your existing office to align with the home office trends for 2021, going with a theme has proven to promote more productivity and make the work from home experience more enjoyable. Two modern home office ideas to consider for your own home office include the minimalistic and eco-friendly style.

As most popularly stated, “less is more” and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to your work environment. Clutter can be distracting, which is why the minimalist style is a top home office design to contemplate for your own office space. From utilizing neutral tones to only keeping what is necessary, the minimalistic design promotes neat, organized vibes that foster great work efficiency with minimal distractions insight. If you find your work productivity falls victim to constant distractions during the day, go for the minimalistic style!

If you find that your workday is jam-packed with an abundance of tasks that makes it challenging to take a break to recoup, the eco-style home office design is the perfect fit for you. By having large windows, wooden furniture, and potted plants incorporated around the room, you will be able to create an open space and sense of tranquility which is great for little distractions. The eco-style design creates an outdoor oasis indoors that aims to cut out workday stress that will be extremely stunning for many years to come.

Color Choices To Consider

It comes as no surprise that the colors in your home office can directly impact how productive your workday can be. Colors are packed with expression and the color options you choose for your home office must resemble feelings of concentration, problem-solving, and positive vibes. It is recommended to stray away from bright shades as they can be very distracting and cause productivity to drop. The colors that are recommended to keep your focus include:

Deep brown.

Utilizing earthy, natural colors have proven to boost work productivity that you’ll want to have in your home office in 2021!

Now more than ever, it’s critical to have a home office space that is both enjoyable and helps you accomplish daily tasks during the workweek. If you desire any of the above modern home office ideas or need more inspiration for a productive home office, our top-rated home remodeling contractors at RJ2 Construction can help shape your visions into a reality. Contact us today to get started.